Hurst Sprinkler Repair
Many of us take great Texas pride in our lawns. As being a Hurst Sprinkler Repair expert, we understand there are many components needed in having a beautiful lawn. In many cases, it takes great planning and dedication to have that beautiful cut of grass we dream of. Most beautiful yards or property has some sort of sprinkler system installed. These owners know it is imperative to maintain the system all times of the year.
Do you want to self-diagnose an issue and possibly repair something yourself? Below we will discuss a DIY story and then few tips on things you can look for and what you can do to remedy the situation. There are many more issues that are not listed, but if you get stuck, reach out to a local sprinkler repair professional.
Sprinkler Repair Senario
There are some people that take DYI to the extreme. Let us paint you a picture, take Stuart Grindle for example. Stuart is a 74-year-old man who says he has spent over 60,000 hours taking immense care of his lawn in Great Britain. He’s so particular about his lawn that he will not allow anyone to walk on it, including his own family, including his 74-year-old wife. He mows his grass 6 times a week and helps keep a carpet sort of finish to his grass by using the same seeds that a golf course uses for theirs.
His wife states that she has spent 30 hours a week for the previous 40 years just tending to the garden. There’s even a bell she has to ring in order to pull her husband away from the lawn that he spends most of his life working on. Stuart has a system in place that he executes well and maintains as necessary. Not everyone has the passion or desire to keep their lawn up, but if you want your lawn to be, at a minimum, healthy and watered, then having a functioning irrigation system is imperative.
Lawn Maintenance & Repair Involving Irrigation Systems
- Watering Schedule Too Much or Too Little – There are a few scenarios here. First, if you water daily or more than 2 or 3 days per week, you’re essentially distributing water shallowly to the lawn. Next, only distributing water once on a specific watering day will not allow turf grass to absorb what it needs. Generally speaking, only the first 5-7 minutes of water will get absorbed. The rest will become runoff and the single-cycle doesn’t allow penetration for deep saturation in the soil. Also, watering less than needed or beyond based on precipitation rates will create pockets of dryness or over-saturation. The fix is to maintain a schedule in moderation.
- Thatch – What is thatch? It’s that spongy root growth directly under the grass, but over top of the soil. Excessive watering can cause this which makes it difficult for any other water to penetrate the soil as needed, so there ends up being an extra amount of runoff. You can look at it as a barrier of sorts that prevents water from soaking down into the soil as needed, and instead gets wasted. So, how do you fix this? Aeration.
- Aeration – Aeration needs to be done minimally twice a year. Once in early spring (late March or so) and once in the late fall (around November generally). This alleviates soil compaction with the small holes allowing air, water, and other nutrients to penetrate roots in the grass and into the soil. Otherwise, there really isn’t a good way to deal with thatch. One tip in regard to mowing is mowing a day or two before you aerate in order to get the grass at a good level for that and seeding. It tends to be more effective that way. Over time, the layer of thatch will decrease.
This is of course not an all-inclusive list, but just a short few things to look for if you’re having issues with your lawn. If you have any questions or issues creating a good sprinkler schedule, it’s recommended to contact a lawn specialist in Hurst, Texas. For local issues and concerns with your yard and landscape, Sprinkler Repair of Texas is only a phone call away.